Birthday Evetts

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tool #7

After examining Class2class- math projects students can answer a survey question and get data in an organized fashion. Then using the same survey other classes can answer the same question. Then students can compare information. They will get practice in answering math vocabulary ans skills. An example was to use M&Ms with students to count out colors of candies. After all classes completed their survey they could start answering the objective of likely, less likey, more likey, certain, impossible chances of finding sertain colors in their bag and how the company distributes candies into bags. I would use this plan later in the year when probability is assigned in our curriculum. Materials for this would be graph paper, markers or colored pencils, and computer to log information.
The plan would be to give each student a small bag of M&Ms and tally each color. Chart on graph paper and include findings in the Class2class and compare information with other 3rd grade classrooms.
There are many times that we have toured classrooms to find answers to surveys for individual students. This would save in doing this and students would love the new technology.

1 comment:

RCELibrarian said...

Looks like you're working with your team...great to work together and learn all of these tools.