Birthday Evetts

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tool #3 1/2

I am trying hard to be patient with this. I am trying to post this 2nd video from Youtube. It has been very trying.

I have visited both Youtube and Discovery Education as well as Brain Pop. I love all of these and wanted to try Youtube only because I know that the district does not allow access easily to this and I wanted to see if I can download it into my postings.

I posted both videos from youtube and they are there whether they are on tool 3 or tool 3 1/2.

I realize that I need to watch for any copy right issues and am worried that since I have opened my blog for anyone to read and comment on does that mean I can no longer use the education clause of allowing copy righted videos and pictures to be viewed by students?

I would love to know the answer to this. If you are reading this and know this answer, please educate me.

I went to the Picasa site, and it was very easy to use. However, I wasn't able to find the remix tool. My students usually use the google images and flickr for pictures. My students can use Picasa while doing research and adding images to their research. This reseach could be landforms, famous Americans, holidays, timelines, etc...

I can't wait to introduce this to my class.

1 comment:

RCELibrarian said...

I think you are okay on this...especially since you are using it for a class and educational purposes. Most You Tube videos are designed to share.
Just think of how you can select what your students to view and prescribe lessons for them ...especially if teams work together....just think of where we can be!