Birthday Evetts

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Thing 10

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Here is one of my examples of "having fun." It is in memory of my mother-in-law whose grandma name was Zsa Zsa. Her birthday is tomorrow and she died 2 years ago of pancreatic cancer. We miss her dearly! I looked through the sites where I wouldn't have to use any of my own photos because I was too lazy to either
A. switch to the computer with the pictures or B. load photos onto the computer I am always working on. When doing this activity I would have to be careful not to steer the students in the wrong direction. There are some images that are a little too revealing. We could use these as covers for books or bill boards when giving a review for a book. I also enjoyed making a poster fo my own children when I actually decided to switch to the computer with the pictures. That was fun, but I am struggling to get that one posted. I have made the trading cards with my class, and I fiddled with that for a little while. As a project we had the students create the life cylce of a ladybug onto 4 different cards and fill them with important facts about each of the stages. They loved it!


Bennie said...

Loved the idea of the ladybug on the trading cards. I know students will love to do some of these activities.

Mrs. Davis said...

I wrote this on my blog, but I thought I'd share it with you personally. We could have the kids make beginning of the year trading cards with their own personal info on it. Then we could keep a set in our classrooms so that when kids write to each other they have a little info about what that person looks like, enjoys doing, etc. Don't groan. It will be fun! We'll help you out.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the ladybug idea. The first graders at my school do an animal project every spring where each child researches an animal and presents facts to the class. Trading cards would be a great way for them to share their information with each other.